A Gathering of Top Market Development & Growth Expertise

What We Do

How ShrtCycle can impact your growth curve
Growth Strategy

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Rapidly Deployable World-Class Expertise to Solve Real-World Growth Challenges
Over 100 years experience in funding and growing businesses

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla nec massa enim. Aliquam viverra at est ullamcorper sollicitudin. Proin a leo sit amet nunc malesuada imperdiet pharetra ut eros.

Mauris vel nunc at ipsum fermentum pellentesque quis ut massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas non adipiscing massa. Sed ut fringilla sapien. Cras sollicitudin, lectus sed tincidunt cursus, magna lectus vehicula augue, a lobortis dui orci et est.

  • Global Business Strategy

Who We Are

A Gathering of Real-World Experts in Various Disciplines of Growth
Ken Herman
Ken is an expert in global finance, operations and growth/exist strategy
Marion Heider
Mike Borek
Mike is an expert in product positioning, market strategy and business development
Jason Offenhartz
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Julie Silverman
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Lori Michele Leavitt
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Mark Kirschner
Tom Northrop
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